Sunday, November 18, 2007

High Winds Make Fishing Tough

Hello Anglers,

Weather conditions over the past few days have made silver fishing on the lakes difficult. High winds made fly fishing impossible, and it was tough trolling too. We've had close to 5 inches of rain since Thu the 15th, which means once conditions allow, the lakes should be full of silvers.

Phil Gilman came up from California and fished with me for 3 days. We fly fished for silvers, with limited results. We only managed trout in tough conditions. Switching over to spinners, we had better success. We hooked several fish, landed jacks and trout, and landed a nice silver.

Here's this week's Siuslaw News story...

Trolling for Coho Salmon In the Lakes

Within the next few weeks, Coho salmon will start moving into Siltcoos and Tahkenitch Lakes in greater numbers. We here on the central coast are fortunate enough to have the only wild Coho fishery in Oregon. These fish are aggressive and easier to catch than their larger cousins (Chinook).

Why Trolling?
Trolling is the best way to cover water and increase your chances of finding aggressive fish. You constantly have your offering in the water and at the level where fish will find it. Trolling also puts your presentation down to the right depth quickly and efficiently.

Rods, Reels and Line
When trolling, consider using a medium action rod/reel combination spooled with 15 lb. test line. A medium action rod allows for good plug action and makes for a fun fight once a salmon is hooked. I use a 7 ft. rod so I can net the fish easily by myself. If you use a longer rod, it makes netting difficult. Levelwind or baitcasting reels are made for trolling. Attach a barrel swivel to the main line and attach 4 feet of lighter leader (10 or 12 lb. test). Again, lighter line (and tackle) allows for greater plug movement.

What Plugs To Use
While many different plugs and spinners work, I use Wiggle Warts™, Hot Shots™ and Brad’s Wigglers™ more than any other. I have a selection of colors including pink, orange, blue/silver, green/silver and silver. I recommend changing colors often to find the plug the fish are taking. In order to change plugs without re-tying, tie a locking snap or snap swivel on the end of your leader.

Where To Look for Fish
The first thing to do is look at a map of the lake you’ll be fishing. Notice the “arms” or coves of the lake into which tributaries drain. That’s where the salmon will eventually end up – they’re going to head up those tributaries to spawn. The salmon will mill around in these arms until enough rain falls to raise stream levels. On one lake, look for names such as Fiddle and Maple, and on another lake look for names like Five Mile and Leitel. These names will point you in the right direction.

Final Thoughts
Take a buddy or two fishing with you. You can run different plugs and find what the fish want. Another great location to find fish is in the lake adjacent to the outlet. All fish heading into the lake will be moving right past you (at some point). Try letting out 40-60’ of line when trolling. This will maximize the depth at which the plug will dive and keep you out of the weeds.

See you on the water,
Action Jackson

(Please send comments or questions to Action Jackson at 268-6944 or

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Rain Will Help Silver Fishing

Hello Anglers!
This week's rain should help the silver fishing in the lakes. I'll be out several times next week fishing for silvers with fly gear. I'll post updates later this week.
Here's this week's Siuslaw News story...
Snaggers Steal From All Of Us

The rains a couple of weeks ago moved many chinook up river. For a while, great fishing was had in many of the deeper holes and slots from Deadwood all the way down Lake Creek and on the mainstem Siuslaw. Now that the river has dropped down to pre-rain flows, opportunities for snagging salmon are all over the place. Salmon may be trapped in some holes by low water making them an easy target. Let’s talk a little bit about why this is so sickening.

Snagging For Eggs
Many snaggers are not after the salmon to feed their families, since many fish easily seen are marginal at best. They’re after big female fish with eggs. They’ll cut the fish open, take the eggs, and throw away the rest of the fish in some location where it’s unlikely to be found. Pretty disgusting. Snaggers often target fish on their spawning beds, where they will sit for long periods and, when disturbed, will return to the same spot. Maybe the saddest part about this whole thing is that the eggs aren’t high quality, either. Eggs in dark fish are often loose (single eggs) since the skein diminishes before the female salmon deposits them in the nest. So just like that, a snagger taking a fish off the spawning gravel has literally destroyed thousands of eggs.

Time To Close Upper Siuslaw and Lake Creek?
It may be time that ODFW consider closing portions of Lake Creek and the Siuslaw until later in the season. I realize that many salmon fishermen without a boat depend on fishing these areas, and that fresh salmon can be caught there, even in low water. But snagging is a problem that needs to be addressed. If the Siuslaw was closed from the confluence of Lake Creek upstream until November 1, there would still be plenty of good locations folks could reach from the bank.

What You Can Do
First of all, keep your eyes open when you’re out on the water. There’s the old saying that “if you think something’s wrong, it probably is.” If fishermen seem nervous and not very talkative, something may be wrong. Most folks out on the water will gladly tell you what’s going on, how they did, what they saw, etc. If you have a cell phone on you, call the Oregon Poacher’s Hotline at 800-452-7888. Get a description of the vehicle, suspects, and any other relevant information. Remember, you are protecting your fish, your children’s fish and your grandchildren’s fish. Do your part to help the fish you love.

See you on the water,
Action Jackson

(Please send comments or questions to Action Jackson at 268-6944 or

Friday, November 2, 2007

Silvers Have Arrived!

Hello Anglers,

Silvers are starting to show in the coastal lakes. No rain was needed as a series of high tides at the end of Oct and first part of Nov moved some fish in. These fish are bright and very aggressive. We know they're bright because they answered 4 out of 5 questions correctly! On a serious note, fishing should be good the whole month of Nov and into Dec. Central Coast silvers are late spawners (Dec and Jan) so fresh fish will continue to enter the lakes. If fly fishing is your game, this is your best chance of the year to land a salmon on a fly rod south of Alaska. I have openings in Nov and Dec so come on down.

Here's this week's Siuslaw News story...

News From Around The Area

Nice weather and high pressure built back in to our area over the last several days, which usually means chinook stop in upper tidewater before heading upriver. This hasn’t been the case. Catches of chinook in tidewater have been poor. It seems most chinook are still just moving straight through to points upstream. Fresh chinook are still in the system, but you need to pursue them upriver. Try deeper holes and slots between Mapleton and Swisshome using bobber/eggs. Be prepared to get on the water early as the best spots are taken before daylight. Another option is fishing the same spots late in the afternoon, after the crowds have left. Salmon move from dusk until dawn, and moving fish are aggressive fish (more easily caught). Fish can be caught late in the day.

A Note To Lane County
Recently Lane County began charging a launch fee at local boat ramps, including the ramp in Mapleton. The cost is $3 per day or $30 per year (expires in Dec.). It doesn’t seem like the money collected is going toward maintaining the ramp. At lower stages of the tide, the launch is unusable. The end of the ramp is heavily silted in, and hasn’t been cleaned out for several seasons. Three dollars is a lot of money if you have to wait a few hours for the tide to come in to put your boat in the water. Especially when the fish are biting. So, Lane County, if you’re going to charge, maintain the areas for which you’re charging.

See you on the water,
Action Jackson

(Please send comments or questions to Action Jackson at 268-6944 or